The Su-25’s that greet you rather early in the mission are, oddly, rather easy planes to lose control of when you fly them. After they’ve unloaded their bombs, a couple of cannon bursts in the right place can send them into a slip & slide session. Great views when you’re stationary.
Falling An-124’s 
The Antinov An-124’s that greet you later on are loads of fun. Position yourself next to each one, one by one, and give them two Mavericks—fired with a small delay. The first one will send them off direction, and the second one will send them careening everywhere. Make sure you keep up with them, as they continue to move forward for quite a while.
ZSU Landslide 
The ZSU-23/4 that you see driving along the road near the McCalla Airfield can easily be skidded. Just fire at it from above to get it skidding across the road. For an image, see Tank Turmoil, Chapter 4.